又見精彩「建築投影藝術」(Building Projection Art)(轉載)

小牛流浪記 2010/11/7 許素朱


「建築投影藝術」(Building Projection Art)在這短短兩、三年國際便出現這麼多精彩作品,在 YouTube多到讓人看了嘆氣!創意、用心,很重要!

1. 美國德州(Texas)的Sugarland城市,25週年慶 (2010.01.01)

2. UrbanScreen (2009.05  O.M. Ungers’ Galerie der Gegenwart, Kunsthalle Hamburg, German)

3.JUMP (by UrbanScreen)

4. 捷克布拉格老鐘塔600週年慶 (2010.10) by the macula

The 600 Years from the macula on Vimeo.

5. The Electric Canvas @ The National Museum of Singapore (2008 Night Festival)

 6. Architecture Projection Mapping in Figueres / Proyección Arquitectónica by PALNOISE (2009.10 ceremony of Giroscopi Cultural)

7. Battle of Branchage – Architectural Projection Mapping (2009.10 Branchage Film Festival)

原始出處 http://blog.sina.com.tw/wwwcow/article.php?pbgid=6514&entryid=595965